Sunday, October 22, 2006

TMobile Pearl *** Update ***

Coverage from TMobile aside, the more I use the Pearl or BlackBerry 8100, the more I like it. The form factor is slightly shorter than a Motorola SLVR L7, maybe 3mm or so, and about 1 or 2 mm thicker. width is about hte same if not marginally wider (1mm or so). The trackball 'pearl' is growing on me and I'm getting faster with it, though switching to a 8700 or 7290 or even using a Motorola Q with the scroll wheel is SO MUCH FASTER as it is much more precise, natural, and easier to gauge how far you have to turn.

The bluetooth audio quality is bothersome from the Pearl. Using a Plantronics 510 or Motorola bluetooth headset, the Pearl sounds tinny or nasal, while the same headsets with the HTC Wizard or Nokia E62 sound fine. Sound quality wise, the Nokia is clearest with the best speakerphone and clearest sounding ear piece. The Pearl is the most natural to hold against the ear and the speakerphone itself is not too bad. Sound quality is only okay through the earpiece. Could use more volume adjustment (louder). The HTC Wizard (Cingular 8125) has a clear earpiece which is very intelligible if not a bit harsh sounding. However, the speakerphone is even harsher and tinnier sounding. The Samsung i500 sounds very good in the earpiece, but the sweet spot is hard to find until you get accustomed to the speaker being on the edge of the flip.


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