Monday, July 17, 2006


ughh.... Forgot to mention, along with the great weather comes the corresponding allergies. Also, you got to remember that Ireland doesn't seem to have air conditioning in most cars and taxis nor most hotels (not even the Hilton) though the Conrd does have ac.

Dublin Ireland weather

Long days. Sun rises at 7am and sets around 9pm to 10pm. Weather seems great this time of year. Around 70 to 80 in the day and 55 to 60 at night. Clear sunny warm days. Expecting some thunder showers later this week.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

exchange active sync eas

EAS Exchange Active Sync seems to work great with the Cingular 8125 (aka HTC Wizard) under Windows Mobile 5 and the Cingular AKU2 ROM. With this ROM, you don't need SMS to synch email, contacts, tasks. Rather DirectPush does all the work. Seems that RIM devices on BES still get the messages 10 seconds to 10 minutes faster, but contacts and tasks are faster on WM5. Nice that I can look up entries in the GAL under either device.